It was from the very beautiful singing of Maggie Peirce that I first became acquainted with this lovely song. Clearly, Andy holds a cherished position in the hearts of those left behind to tend the lonely Australian cattle Rtation. Severe drought is not uncommon to these large selections and, once again, in an effort to survive, one of the favored young men has had to leave to find water, taking all the cattle with him. The song is based on a poem by Henry Lawson, first published in 1888. (AMM)
Andy's gone with cattle now,
Our hearts are out of order.
With drought he's gone to battle now,
Across the Queensland border.
He's left us in dejection now,
With him our thoughts are roving.
It's dull on this selection now,
Since Andy's gone a-droving.
Who will wear the cheerful face
At times when things are slackest,
And who will whistle 'round the place
When Fortune smiles her blackest?
And who will cheek the squatter now
When he comes 'round us snarling?
His tongue is growing hotter now
Since Andy crossed the Darling.
Oh, may the rain in torrents fall
And all the tanks run over,
And may the grass grow green and tall
In pathways of the drover.
An may good angels send the rain
To desert stretches sandy,
And when the summer comes again,
God grant it brings us Andy.
(repeat first verse)