Aragon Mill

©Si Kahn

        Si Kahn's song about the human side of the closing of the mill is just one of the many good songs he's given us. He has recorded the song himself on his June Appal album, New Wood, and the Red Clay Ramblers have also performed it on one of their recordings. (ET)

And the only tune I hear
Is the sound of the wind
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin.

At the east end of town,
At the foot of the hill,
Stands a chimney so tall
That says "Aragon Mill."

But there's no smoke at all
Coming out of the stack.
The mill has shut down
And it ain't a-coming back.

Well, I'm too old to work
And I'm too young to die.
Tell me, where shall we go,
My old gal and I?

There's no ahildren at all
In the narrow, empty street.
The mill has closed down;
It's so quiet I can't sleep

Yes, the mill has shut down ;
It's the only life I know .
Tell me, where will I go ,
Tell me, where will I go?

And the only tune I hear
Is the sound of the wind
As it blows through the town ,
Weave and spin, weave and spin .

Aragon Mill is recorded on the CD A Water Over Stone