Bare-Legged Kate

©John Dengate

        Australian Singer and song-maker Phyl Lobl visited me in Maine a few years ago, and this was one of the many good songs she sang. She said the tune was a traditional one, "The Bare-Legged Boy" (Which I've never heard), and the words were written by John Dengate. Another one of the songs that seems to hang like sad smoke around the tailings of the various gold rushes. There was no gold rush where I lived, but there was a couple of Bare-legged Kates. I know I've got a couple of the words wrong, but here's the best I can remember it.

Bare legged Kate with your natural grace,
The big big sad eyes in the Irish face.
A poor bush girl when the summer is high
In the stony hills of Gundagai.

Bare legged Kate why do you weep
When the men ride by with the travelling sheep?
Does the sight of the drover make you sad?
Do you think of the father you never had?

Bare legged Kate why do you run,
Down to the creek in the setting sun?
Down where the eyes of the world cannot see -
Run Kate, run, from poverty.

Bare legged Kate, there is gold in the hills
But you know that the cyanide process kills.
Poisons the miners and cuts them down
In the mean little homes below the town.

Bare legged Kate, when the floods come down,
It's the poor on the creeks are the ones who drown:
When the great Murrumbidgee is thundering by
Through the haunted hills of Gundagai.

Bare-Legged Kate is recorded on the CD Return To The Land