A rare fellow in folksongs, here: a happy man. He's seen the route of the migrant shearer and only wants to be in one place - where he is. I learned it through Ray Wales, who now lives somewhere near Perth, Australia. 1. Sheep Staion, 2. Wallet?, 3. Lifted, 4. Catfish?, 5. Potatoes, 6. Swiped, 7.Gaffed, 8. Last year's?, 9. Archaic for tobacco, 10. Large land-owner, 11. Place that needs shearers, 12. See "snaffled", 13. Provisions
Hurrah for the "Lauchlin, "(1) boys,
and join me in a cheer,
For them's the place to go and get
a good check every year,
With me toadskin (2) in me pocket
that I borrowed (3) off a friend,
And isn't it nice and cozy
to be camping in the bend?
And with me little brown flour-bag
sitting on a stump,
Me little tea-and-sugar bag
looking nice and plump,
I've a nice fat codfish (4)
just off the hook
And four little johnnycakes,
a credit to the cook.
I've half a loaf of bread
and some praties (5) that I shook, (6)
Perhaps a couple of brownies
that I snaffled (7) off the cook;
I've a nice leg of mutton
with a bit cut off the end,
And isn't it nice and cozy
to be camping in the bend?
I've a good supply of books
and some papers (8) to read,
I've plenty of matches
and a good supply of weed; (9)
I wouldn't be the squatter (10)
as beside the fire I sit
With me paper in me hand
and me old pipe lit.
And when the shearing time comes,
I'll be in me glory then;
I'll saddle up a horse,
and I'll soon round up a pen.
Then I'll ride over mountains,
I'll gallop over plains ,
Shoot (11) a turkey, (12) stick (13) a pig,
and I'll be in the bend again.