Living on The River

©Jerry Rasmussen

        This nice , self-explanatory word picture was written by Jerry Rasmus - sen and may be found on his Folk-Legacy record, Get Down Home ( FSI-77). We hope he enjoys our effort at it . Much of our way of doing the song comes from my sing ing of it with Cathy Barton and Dave Para . The cellamba, of course, is Gordon's distinctive contribution, since he is the only person in the world who plays it. (ET)

Down around the bend by the railroad bridge ,
Just wading through the shallows where the crayfish live .
Over by the cotton mill the catfish bite ;
They'll be swimming in a skillet before tonight .

Living on the river was nice and easy ;
People on the river just take their time .
The wind in the summer was warm and breezy;
The wind in the winter it cut like ice .

Off down the hill on a winter's night ,
To go skating on the river in the cold moonlight .
There's an old woodstove and a hardwood floor;
And you can sit and take it easy while your feet get warm.

Down around the bend where the blackbird sings,
Over by the fountain there's a crystal spring .
Back in the shallows where the watercress grows ,
Sweet spring water runs clear and cold .

Up in the morning at four o ' clock;
Meet you on the landing at Johnson's dock .
Drifting on the river 'till the sun comes up ,
Drinking hot, black coffee from an old tin cup .

(repeat first verse)

Living on The River is recorded on the CD All Shall Be Well Again