The curtain of daybreak, it is hanging, The wind still whispers a morning grace
Before the sky you will find me standing, Let me live in this holy place
All before me peaceful, all behind me peaceful, Under me peaceful, over me peaceful
All around me peaceful, all around me peaceful
In the house of freedom, there I wander, In the house of life, let me pass my days
In old age traveling, there I wander, Walk with me in this holy place
All before me peaceful, all behind me peaceful, Under me peaceful, over me peaceful
All around me peaceful, all around me peaceful
Homeward now, down this road I wander, Where my soul's long lines I deeply trace
Homeward now, will I make my journey, Walk with me in this holy place
All before me peaceful, all behind me peaceful, Under me peaceful, over me peaceful
All around me peaceful, all around me peaceful
All before me peaceful, all behind me peaceful, Under me peaceful, over me peaceful
All around me peaceful, all around me peaceful