Since We Parted


         "Since We Parted" is an ever fresh, tender love song. It puts me in touch with an innocence and passion which remains bright in my memory in spite oflasting for so brief a time. I learned it around 1963 from Gordon Bok. (A.M.) Given to me many years ago by a girl from Dayton, Ohio, named Patti Kincade. Since I've never heard anything like it, I assume the words and the music were her own . ( G. B. )

Since we parted yestereve,
I do love thee, love, believe
Twelve timee dearer, twelve times longer,
One dream deeper, one night stronger,
One sun surer - thus much more
Than I loved thee, love, before.(*)

*Since these notes were originally written, we have learned that the poem "Since We Parted" was written by Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, an English statesman and poet (1831- 1891), who wrote under the pseudonym: Owen Meredith. Thanks to Pamela Gunnell for putting us on the right track.

Since We Parted is recorded on the CD The Ways of Man