I heard this dahce from the Machu Picchu area of Peru .on
a tape made · there by a friend.* It was played on the local
cane flutes and assorted other instruments; our version is my
reconstruction of it from memory. The only conscious change
we made was to shorten up the pattern in the first two parts.
In the last part (where the whistle duet begins again) you
can hear the full pattern as I remember it.
We also used what instruments we had: high whistle= Annie
Muir, low whistle= Pat Bok, high guitar= Gordon Bok, low
guitar= Ed Trickett.** Only those who know and love traditional South American music will know how much of this is lost-intranslation, but we hope the joy and dignity of the tune will
come through to hold you as it has held us. (GB) '
** Whistles by Gordon Bok, guitars by Nick Apollonio.