What You Do With What You Got

©Si Kahn

        One of Si Kahn's most powerful songs, this was written for the International Year of the Handicapped. Si is able to see through to the core of issues and writes about them without frill or pretense. As an anthem for those with disabilities, it's moving. As a metaphor for us all, it's elegant. (ET)

Well, you must know someone like him,
Tall and strong and lean,
Body like a greyhound,
With a mind so sharp and keen.
But his heart, just like a laurel,
Grew twisted on itself
Till almost everything he did
Brought pain to someone else.

It's not just what you're born with,
It's what you choose to bear;
It's not how large your share is,
But how much you can share.
And it's not the fights you dream of,
But those you really fought.
It's not just what you're given,
It's what you do with what you got.

For what's the good of two strong legs
If you only run away,
And what good is the finest voice,
If you've nothing good to say?
What good are strength and muscle,
If you only push and shove?
What's the use of two good ears,
If you can't hear those you love?

Between those who use their neighbors
And those who use a cane,
Between those in constant power
And those in constant pain,
Between those who run to evil
And those who cannot run,
Tell me, which ones are the cripples
And which ones touch the sun?

(repeats last line of final chorus)

Minneapolis Concert is recorded on the CD Minneapolis Concert